Monday, May 5, 2008

I Took The Shot

Maybe I'm sorry,
maybe I'm not.
This isn't easy for me,
since I took the shot.
The bullet of pain and misery.
The gun of hardship and backfire.
For The wound that's killing me,
I have no desire.
Where is your necklace.
It holds my love, now its worthless.
Keep it girl, let it teach you something.
The pain that can live in a human being.
No big deal to you, just something to set aside.
Something to stare at wile you sit beside.
Beside my spirit of love. You have it.
You have mine. It fits.
The spirit and the necklace. Ignore them.
Feel them. See them. Wear them. Keep them.
Keep them.
Maybe your sorry. I doubt this.
But I was for sure when I got that kiss,
that you loved me.
My heart now small, struggling to beat.
Its burning up, from this emotional heat.
It sings to me. It tells me about you.
I see, but there is nothing I can do.
Go on. Go on. Go on.
Love those guys you so highly exalt.
They will soon look back a realize, its all your fault.
Maybe your sorry.
Maybe your not.
This is easy for you.
Since they take the shot.
I took the shot.

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