Sunday, March 23, 2008

Only a Kiss

Waking up, remembering the night.
From a fly on the wall, I witness the sight.
You and me having the time of our lives,
just being together by each others side.
Missing the feeling, missing your touch,
it's something small, that means so much.
It was only a kiss. Only a kiss.
Gone in just a moment, but one to remember.
It touches my heart, makes it so very tender.
Vulnerable, yet lovable. Touchable, yet hard to get.
Once touched, you've been hit.
You get back up and try to recover,
but all you can do is love one another.
I'm yours. Your mine.
How are you doing? I'm just fine.


Anonymous said...

U have such a gift when it comes to poetry!

Anonymous said...

thats is soo lovely. but come you would know..j.k.