Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hold Me Dear

Hold me dear. Speak your mind.
What are you thinking? Something to hide?
Don't. Let your emotions out.
These thoughts in my head, now aimlessly about.
Brainstorming every key feature. Every detail.
Can't wait to see her. My heart swells.
Shrinks. Only able to hold the love you tell.
The love you tell me you have for me.
I wait every night, wait and see,
what exactly you have been thinking.
Rest your head upon me. Touch me.
Let yourself be found.
I want to hear you speak the sound.
The sound I love to hear, your voice.
The soft soothing tone.
Flowing through my mind, I pick up the phone.
Knowing what to hear, and loving what I hear.
Your voice. Tell me you need me.
Tell me you love me. Tell me now.
Tell me you miss me. You want me.
I want you. I need you. Save me.