Saturday, April 5, 2008

Every Guy, Every Way

Why am I here? Why are you there?
Can you not sense the fear within my care?
I care about you. Do you care about me?
But you've found a new, how could this be.
All those great times, all the shared love.
I missed the chimes to release the dove.
You've stayed your welcome.
Go. It seems like your wish.
There is obviously no finish.
No last lover. No last heartbreak.
I duck, I need cover, help me from the shell-shake.
A wake-up to life. Cold water on my face.
I pick up the knife, we can't stay the same pace.
Your faster and can handle it,
I'm a disaster and can't take a hit.
Why was I here? To show you, you can't have every guy.
What you have to fear? All the guys who you bring a tear.
I will always love you but never in the same way.
Maybe someday you will realize, you can't have every guy, every way.