Sunday, April 6, 2008

If You Loved Me

Everyday. Every week.
I see your face, but just a peek.
Wanting more, but getting less.
I'm becoming sore with no progress.
Not getting stronger from the thought of your name,
but getting weaker because your to blame.
You caused all this pain that driving me towards insane.
The mental stress that is caused from you.
What am I to do?
Break up with the girl I've so longingly lived for?
Or stay with pain, just more.
This relationship could has come to a end.
Save it before another one begins.
You've already found another,
your leaving me in the dust, without a lover.
No one to love. No one to cry on.
All I had was you, and now your gone.
Not completely, just out of sight.
Your there, but not willing to put up a fight.
I cant see.
Maybe you just don't love me.
If you loved me, you wouldn't put me through this.
But leave me here, let's see who's missed.